This page is dedicated to projects completed by the Center and whose funding was matched by local governments, stakeholders or other entities.
Streamlining Suburban Transit Transit Signal Priority: Proof of Concept
Dr. Kari Watkins and Dr. Michael Hunter prepared this proof-of-concept policy document as part of the Georgia Smart Communities Challenge 2020 in partnership with the City of Sandy Springs, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), and the City of Dunwoody, to conduct a study to test transit signal priority (TSP) technology using bus location data published through and application program interface (API) instead of communicating with a unit on board the bus. Read the full report below.
Scooter Corral project with Tennessee Department of Transportation
Tennessee Department of Transportation is a matching partner for University of Tennessee, Knoxville. As part of this, UTK has collaborated with WeGo Transit and Nashville DOT to make location decisions for new scooter corrals near transit stops based on the findings of the following research conducted by TSCORE researchers. Read the full publication below.