
The T-SCORE Center tracks a variety of data points to monitor the progress of the center and its research.

Key Performance Metrics of Research Activities

Number of refereed and professional publications- in both CA and MMOS tracks 11

Number of refereed and professional publications under review- in both CA and MMOS tracks

Number of invited presentations/lectures on research findings- in both CA and MMOS tracks



Number of workshops, seminars and webinars held on research 6
Number of tangible research products (guidance documents, strategy development workshops, etc.) that can be used by stakeholders to improve transit systems 1

Key Performance Metrics of Leadership Activities

Number of faculty and graduate student awards recognizing excellence 10
Number of keynote or major presentations at national/ international conferences 8
Number of mentions of faculty and graduate students in the media 18

Key Performance Metrics of Educational and Workforce Development Activities

Number of high school students participating in summer camp with transit module 220
Number of universities adopting the transit courses and modules 4
Number of engaged undergraduate research assistants and funded graduate students 25