The T-SCORE Center will be overseen by an Advisory Committee that will meet both as a group to provide input into the direction of the center and also work individually with projects proposed in the research plan. The members have been selected to provide a wide perspective across the industry, including governmental agencies at the state and local level, transit agencies, metropolitan planning agencies, advocacy organizations, and private transportation providers. The following individuals have agreed to serve as members:
Chris Tomlinson, T-SCORE Advisory Committee Chair, Executive Director, ATL / Georgia Regional Trans. Authority
Rob Goodwin, Director of Research and Analysis, MARTA (Atlanta, GA)
Jaron Robertson, Director, Innovative Mobility Solutions, Utah Transit Authority
Carrie Butler, Executive Director, TARC (Louisville, KY)
Phil Pugliese, Transit Planner, GoCarta (Chattanooga, TN)
Flavia Tsang, Principal Travel Modeling Analyst, MTC, San Francisco Bay Area
Yvette Taylor, Region 4 FTA Administrator
Michael Frumin, Director of Data Science for Bikes, Scooters, and Transit, Lyft
Andrea Broaddus, Future Mobility Research, Ford Motor Company
Steven Higashide, Director of Research, Transit Center
Katherine Kortum, Transportation Research Board
Art Guzzetti, Vice President – Mobility Initiatives and Public Policy, American Public Transportation Association